Maria Mannone


Hi! Welcome to my webpage. It's pretty simple because I made it by myself. You can find here information regarding my scientific research and artistic activity.

I'm a theoretical physicist and a composer. I'm Italian, born in Palermo (Sicily) in 1985, and I lived in Paris and in the US, where I achieved my Ph.D.

I'm currently contract professor at the Department of Biomedicine and Neurosciences of the University of Palermo. I got a fellowship to develop research between in quantum computing for swarm robotics at the Department of Engineering of the University of Palermo, dealing with quantum computing for swarm robotics, and I'm subject expert ("cultore della materia") at DSMN - ECLT of Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Education: Physics and Music Compositions Publications Lectures and Talks Concerts Drawings Graphics Pictures Press Blog

Questions? Drop me an email to:

maria DOT mannone AT unive DOT it, manno012 AT umn DOT edu, mariacaterina DOT mannone AT community DOT unipa DOT it