Education Compositions Publications Lectures Concerts Drawings Graphics Pictures Press Blog
Find here the list of my books, book chapters, and papers. Below: books with my cover images.
In this page: journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book chapters, selected Italian publications, and other writings.
Journal articles
M. Mannone, N. Marwan, P. Fazio, P. Ribino. Limbic and cerebellar effects in Alzheimer-Perusini’s disease: A physics-inspired approach. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 103, 2025, 107355,
M. Mannone, P. Fazio, J. Kurths, P. Ribino, N. Marwan. A Brain Network Operator for Modeling Disease: A First Data-Based Application for Parkinson’s Disease. European Physical Journal, Special Topics, 2024, PDF
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, C. Chella. Quantum Computing for Swarm Robotics: a Local-to-Global Approach. Philosophical Transactions A - Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, accepted for publication, 2024
M. Mannone, P. Fazio, P. Ribino, N. Marwan. On Disease and Healing: A Theoretical Sketch. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Section Dynamical Systems, Brief Research Report, 10, 2024, PDF
M. Mannone, P. Fazio, N. Marwan. Modeling a Neurological Disorder as the Result of an Operator Acting on The Brain: A First Sketch based on Network Channel Modeling. Chaos, 2024
M. Mannone, M. Montiel, M. Wilhelmi. Music-Driven Geometric and Topologic Intuition: A Case Study with the Klein bottle. Journal of Mathematics and Music. Accepted for publication, 2024
M. Mannone, N. Marwan, P. Fazio, A. Giacometti. Multi-Layer Networks and Routing Protocols for Aquatic Robotic Swarm Management. AEEE, accepted for publication, 2024
M. Mannone, A. Chella, G. Pilato, V. Seidita, F. Vella, S. Gaglio. Modeling Robotic Thinking and Creativity: A Classic–Quantum Dialogue. Mathematics 2024, 12(5), 642; PDF
M. Montiel, M. Mannone, M. Wilhelmi. Assessment of mathematical learning in a musical composition workshop applying tools from the onto-semiotic approach. Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática, 38, e220021, 2024 PDF
V. Distefano, M. Mannone, I. Poli, Distefano, V.; Mannone, M.; Poli, I. Exploring Heterogeneity with Category and Cluster Analyses for Mixed Data. Stats 2023, 6, 747-762, PDF
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, A. Chella. The Sound of Swarm. Auditory Description of Swarm Robotic Movements. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 2023. webpage
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, A. Chella. Modeling and Designing a Robotic Swarm: a Quantum Computing Approach. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 79: 101297, 2023. webpage
A. Chella, S. Gaglio, M. Mannone, G. Pilato, V. Seidita, F. Vella, S. Zammuto. Quantum Planner for Swarm Robotics. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), 2022, webpage
M. Mannone, V. Distefano, and G. Santini. Classes of Colors and Timbres: A Clustering Approach. Electronic Journal of Statistical Analysis, 15 (3), 2022, PDF
M. Mannone and M. Montiel. Atlanta: Mathematics and Music. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, 16 (4), 374-38, 2022 webpage , preprint
M. Mannone and G. Compagno. Characterization of the degree of Musical non-Markovianity. Journal of Creative Musical Systems, 2022, PDF . Former version: ArXiV, 2013
M. Mannone and V. Seidita. Quantum Creativity of Humans and Robots, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, 9 (3), 2022, 1–16 webpage
M. Mannone and T. Yoshino. Temari Balls, Spheres, SphereHarmonic: from Japanese Folkcraft to Music. Algorithms, 2022, PDF
Mannone M, Seidita V, Chella A (2022). Categories, Quantum Computing, and Swarm Robotics: A Case Study. Mathematics, vol. 10, 372, doi: 10.3390/math10030372, PDF
Mannone M, Yoshino T (2022). Temari Balls, Spheres, SphereHarmonic: From Japanese Folkcraft to Music. Algorithms, vol. 15 (8), 286, doi:, PDF
Mannone M, Santini G, Adedoyin E, Chella C E (2022). Color and Timbre Gestures. Mathematics, vol. 10, 663, doi: 10.3390/math10040663, PDF
M. Mannone, A musical reading of a contemporary installation and back: mathematical investigations of patterns in Qwalala. Journal of Mathematics and Music, 2021, webpage.
D. Rocchesso and M. Mannone, A Quantum Vocal Theory of Sound. Quantum Information Processing, 19 (292), 2020, PDF.
M. Mannone and D. Papageorgiou, Gestural similarity, mathematics, psychology: Hints from a first experiment and some applications between pedagogy and research. Zbornik radova Akademije umetnosti, Collected Papers of the Academy of Arts of Novi Sad, 8, 137-153, 2020, PDF.
P. beim Graben and M. Mannone, Musical pitch quantization as an eigenvalue problem, Journal of Mathematics and Music, 2020, PDF.
M. Mannone, F. Favali, B. Di Donato, L. Turchet, Quantum GestART: identifying and applying correlations between mathematics, art, and perceptual organization, Journal of Mathematics and Music, 2020, PDF. (In print: Volume 15, 2021, Issue 1) The PDF of the (almost) latest version can be downloaded here.
M. Mannone, Introduction to Gestural Similarity in Music. An Application of Category Theory to the Orchestra. Journal of Mathematics and Music, 12 (2), 63-87, 2018. PDF , the PDF of the (almost) latest version can be downloaded here
M. Mannone, cARTegory theory: Framing the Aesthetics of Mathematics. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 9 (18), 277–294, 2019. PDF
M. Mannone, E. Kitamura, J. Huang, R. Sugawara, and Y. Kitamura, Musical Combinatorics, Tonnetz, and the CubeHarmonic, Journal of Collected papers of Academy of Arts, Sixth Issue, Zbornik, Serbia, 2018. PDF
M. Mannone, Knots, Music, and DNA. Journal of Creative Music Systems, 2 (2), 2018. PDF
M. Mannone, K. Gkoudina, E. Tyler, Narrating the Origin of the Universe trough the Music: a Case of Study, Journal of Collected papers of Academy of Arts, Fifth Issue, pp. 110-119, Zbornik, Serbia, 2017.
video abstract
M. Mannone, Networks of Music and Images, Gli Spazi della Musica, University of Torino, 6 (2), 2017. PDF
M. Mannone, Mathematics, Art, and Cognitive Sciences: Some Examples of Connection, Proceedings of the Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, University of Catania, Italy, 10 (2),
233-238, 2017. PDF
M. Mannone, Marco Orsini conducts Music without seeing it or the Orchestra, The American Council of the Blind, 2017. PDF
G. Mazzola and M. Mannone, Global Functorial Hypergestures over General Skeleta for Musical Performance, Journal of Mathematics and Music, 2016.
G. Mazzola and M. Mannone, Hegel's Conceptual Group Action on Creative Dynamics in Music, Gli spazi della Musica, 3 (2), Università di Torino, 2014. pdf.
M. Mannone and G. Compagno, Characterization of the degree of Musical non-Markovianity (submitted) arxiv
M. Mannone, R. Lo Franco and G. Compagno, Comparison of non-Markovianity criteria in a qubit system under random external fields, Phys. Scr. T153, 014047, 2013. lien ,
Conference Proceedings
P. Ribino, G. Paragliola, M. Mannone, A Federated K-Means-Based Approach in eHealth Domains with Heterogeneous Data Distributions. Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - Volume 1: NCTA, 550-559, 2024, DOI 10.5220/0012981200003837, Porto, Portugal
P. Fazio, M. Mannone, B. Marchiori, P. Riello, N. Marwan and M. Voznak. A Biological Fading Channel Model for Neural Communication Networks: a Preliminary Sketch. 2024 15th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Venice, Italy, 2024, pp. 75-79
S. Fazio, P. Ribino, G. Gasparini, N. Marwan, P. Fazio, M. Gherardi, M. Mannone. A physics-based view of brain-network alteration in neurological disease. Artificial Intelligence for Health Care, AIxIA 2024, Bolzano. Winner of the best short paper and best poster
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, A. Chella, Quantum Aspects of the Musical Mind. De Musica, 2023, XVII (2), ISSN 2465-0137
P. Ribino, M. Mannone, C. Di Napoli, G. Paragliola, D. Chicco, F. Gasparini. Analyzing trajectories of clinical markers in patients with sepsis through multivariate longitudinal clustering. Artificial Intelligence for Health Care, AIxIA 2024, Bolzano
M. Mannone and L. Turchet, Dice Cubes: Quantum-Based Networked Performance with CubeHarmonic. 5th IEEE International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds, 2024. Winner of the best poster Award
M. Mannone, P. Fazio, N. Marwan, P. Ribino, K-operator as a predictor for Alzheimer-Perusini’s disease. HCIst, to appear, 2024
P. Ribino, G. Paragliola, M. Mannone, A Federated K-Means-based Approach in eHealth Domains with Heterogeneous Data Distributions. 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications (NCTA) 2024
Avitabile, A., Hamido, O.C., Mannone, M. (2024). Quantum Memory and Mathematical Gestures: Two Perspectives on Verdi and Wagner. In: Noll, T., Montiel, M., Gómez, F., Hamido, O.C., Besada, J.L., Martins, J.O. (eds) Mathematics and Computation in Music. MCM 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14639. Springer, Cham.
Spector, J., Mannone, M., Montiel, M., Gómez, F. (2024). Voice and Math: The Art of Singing in Light of Mathematical Music Theory. In: Noll, T., Montiel, M., Gómez, F., Hamido, O.C., Besada, J.L., Martins, J.O. (eds) Mathematics and Computation in Music. MCM 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14639. Springer, Cham.
P. Fazio, M. Mehic, M. Mannone, F. Astorino, M. Voznak. An Overview of a New Statistical Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Analysis and Recognition Approach for Domestic Environments: DENARDO. 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEnv), June 12-15, 2024, Chania, Greece
M. Mannone, N. Marwan, V. Seidita, A. Chella, A. Giacometti, P. Fazio. Entangled Gondolas. Design of Multi-Layer Networks of Quantum-Driven Robotic Swarms. In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham. PDF
V. Distefano, M. Mannone, I. Poli, G. Mayer. Clustering Trajectories to study Diabetic Kidney Disease. In: Villani, M., Cagnoni, S., Serra, R. (eds) Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. WIVACE 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1977. Springer, Cham. PDF
A. Thomas, M. Mannone, V. Seidita, A. Chella. Swarm Robotics and Quantum Computing in Simulated Environments, AIRO 2023, accepted for publication
M. Mannone, O. C. Hamido, Quantum Memory of Musical Compositions, ISQCMC Berlin: 2nd International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Musical Creativity, 2023, accepted
M. Mannone, L. Turchet, Theoretical Quantum Modeling of Improvisation in Networked Music Performances to Regulate the Behaviour of Artificial Musician. 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds, IS2 2023, pp. 1-7, PDF
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, A. Chella, A. Giacometti, P. Fazio. Energy and SNR-Aware Robotic Swarm Coordination for Aquatic Cleaning Operations. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2023, PDF
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, and A. Chella. Quantum Robotic Swarms: What, Why, and How. AIRO workshop, Udine (2022), PDF AIRO@AI*IA 2022: 55-63
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, and A. Chella. Does Creativity Help Us Survive? A Possible Approach with Quantum-Driven Robots. CEUR, CREAI workshop on artificial intelligence and creativity, Udine (2022), vol. 3278, ISSN 1613-0073, PDF ; CREAI@AI*IA 2022: 76-83
M. Mannone, V. Seidita, and A. Chella. Quantum RoboSound: Auditory Feedback of a Quantum-Driven Robotic Swarm. 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples 2022, pp. 287-292, webpage , preprint preprint
M. Mannone and V. Distefano. Sonification and Clustering: a Multi-Sensory Perspective for Precision Medicine. SoniHed conference, Stockholm, 2022. In: Pauletto, S., Delle Monache, S. and Selfridge, R. (Eds) Proceedings of the Conference on Sonification of Health and Environmental Data (SoniHED 2022), pages 63-67. ISBN: 978-91-8040-358-0. PDF .
M. Mannone and V. Distefano. Trajectory-based and Sound-based Medical Data Clustering. Conference. ACM BCB '22: 13th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics Northbrook Illinois August 7 - 10, 2022. Article No.: 62, Pages 1, webpage (remotely-sent poster; Abstract)
Mannone M (2022). Seeds, Brains, and Bridges: Allegory of Venice, Arts, and Science for a Vision of the Future. In: C&C '22: Creativity and Cognition. p. 649-651, New York:Association for Computing Machinery, Venezia, June 2022, doi: 10.1145/3527927.3531194, preprint
Mannone M, Arias-Valero J (2022). Some Mathematical and Computational Relations Between Timbre and Color. In: (a cura di): Montiel M; et al, Mathematics and Computation in Music. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, vol. LNAI 13267, p. 127-139, BERLIN HEIDELBERG:Springer-Verlag, Atlanta, June 21-24 2022, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-07015-0_11, preprint
Mannone M, Yoshino T, Chiu P, Kitamura Y (2022). Hypercube + Rubik’s Cube + Music = HyperCubeHarmonic. In: (a cura di): Montiel M; A. Agustin-Aquino O; Gomez F; Kastine F; Lluis-Puebla E; Milam B, Mathematics and Computation in Music. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, vol. LNAI 13267, BERLIN HEIDELBERG:Springer-Verlag, ISSN: 0302-9743, Atlanta, June 21-24 2022, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-07015-0_20
Mannone M, Distefano V (2022). Trajectory-based and sound-based medical data clustering . In: BCB '22: Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics. New York:Association for Computing Machinery, ISBN: 978-1-4503-9386-7, Northbrook, Chicago, 7-10 agosto 2022, doi/10.1145/3535508.3545102 link
Mannone M, Yoshino T (2022). Mathematical Aspects of a new Spherical Musical Instrument: the SphereHarmonics. In: (a cura di): Viana, V., Nagy, D., Xavier, J., Neiva, A., Ginoulhiac, M., Mateus, L. & Varela, P., Viana, V., Nagy, D., Xavier, J., Neiva, A., Ginoulhiac, M., Mateus, L. & Varela, P. (Eds.). (2022). Symmetry: Art and Science | 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress [Special Issue]. Symmetry: Art and Science. Porto: International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry. Porto, July 2022
Distefano V, Mannone M, Silvestri C, Poli I (2021). Cluster analysis of diabetic kidney disease longitudinal data. In: Kontoghiorghes, E J, Book of Abstracts: CFE-CMStatistics 2021; 15th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, 14th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics. King's College London, UK, 2021
M. Mannone, V. Distefano, C. Silvestri, and I. Poli. Comparison of clustering methods for diabetic kidney disease patients formalized through category theory, APPLIED STATISTICS 2021, Statistical Society of Slovenia, pp. 33-33, PDF2021.
M. Mannone, V. Distefano, C. Silvestri, and I. Poli. Clustering Longitudinal Data with Category Theory for Diabetic Kidney Disease. CLADAG 2021 conference: Book of Abstracts and Short Papers, pp. 364-367 (2021), ISSN 2704-601X (PRINT) - ISSN 2704-5846 (ONLINE), PDF2021. Indexed as Computer Science
V. Distefano, M. Mannone, C. Silvestri, and I. Poli, Categories and Clusters to investigate Similarities in Diabetic Kidney Disease Patients, 50th Conference of the Statistics Italian Society, Books of Short Papers SIS 2021, pp. 1162-1167, Pearson, ISBN 9788891927361, 2021
M. Mannone and F. Favali, Categories, Musical Instruments, and Drawings: A Unification Dream, Proceedings of the Conference of Mathematics and Computation in Music, Madrid. M. Montiel, F. Gómez and O. Agustín-Aquino (editors), Springer, pages 59-72, 2019
M. Mannone and L. Turchet, Shall We (Math and) Dance?, Proceedings of the Conference of Mathematics and Computation in Music, Madrid. M. Montiel, F. Gómez and O. Agustín-Aquino (editors), Springer, pages 84-97, 2019
M. Mannone, Have Fun with Math and Music!, invited contribution, Mathematics and Computation in Music Conference, Madrid.
M. Montiel, F. Gómez and O. Agustín-Aquino (editors), Springer, pages 379-382, 2019
Mannone M (2022). CubeHarmonic: when the Rubik's cube becomes a musical instrument. In: ABSTRACTS of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society. vol. 43, The American Mathematical Society, Seattle, online, aprile 2022
Mannone, Maria (2021). Categories, Color Gestures, and the "Souvenir Theorem": using Math to navigate the Complexity of Music and the Visual Arts. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, American Mathematical Society, ISSN: 0192-5857
M. Mannone, E. Kitamura, J. Huang, R. Sugawara, P. Chiu, and Y. Kitamura, CubeHarmonic: A New Musical Instrument Based on Rubik’s Cube with Embedded Motion Sensor, ACM SIGGRAPH ’19, Los Angeles, California, USA, pages 53:1-53:2, 2019, PDF
D. Rocchesso and M. Mannone, Embryo of a Quantum Vocal Theory of Sound, CIM Conference, Udine, Italy, Proceedings of the 22nd CIM, Udine, November 20-23 2018, 101-108, 2018. PDF
M. Mannone, E. Kitamura, J. Huang, R. Sugawara, and Y. Kitamura, CubeHarmonic: A New Interface from A Magnetic 3D Motion Tracking System to Music Performance, Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), editors Luke Dahl, Douglas Bowman, Thomas Martin, Virginia Tech, 350-351, 2018. PDF
Mannone M (2018). Categories and Arts: Some cARTegory Theory of Music and Visual Arts. In: Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2018. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, American Mathematical Society, ISSN: 0192-5857, San Diego (USA), January 2018
Mannone M (2017). Theoretical Physics and Category Theory as Tools for Analysis of Musical Performance and Composition. In: Joint Mathematics Meetings, Special Session on Mathematics and Music. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, American Mathematical Society, ISSN: 0192-5857, Atlanta, USA, January 2017
M. Mannone and G. Mazzola, Hypergestures in Complex Time: Creative Performance Between Symbolic and Physical Reality, Springer proceedings of the MCM15 conference, 2015.
Mémoire de stage Ircam, about automatic orchestration, time series segmentation, application of the "inconstancy" and discrete Fourier transforms to musical analysis
F. Favali and M. Mannone, Simmetrie fra Matematica e Musica, Palermo University Press - I Quaderni di Clio, n.3, 2020. NDF webpage
(cover image: by M. Mannone)
M. Mannone, Mathematics, Nature, Art, Palermo University Press, 2019. Unipa Press webpage and Amazon
(cover image: by M. Mannone)
G. Mazzola, R. Guitart, J. Ho, A. Lubet, M. Mannone, M. Rahaim, F. Thalmann, The Topos of Music III: Gestures. Springer Series Computational Music Science, Heidelberg, 2018.
G. Mazzola, M. Mannone, Y. Pang, M. O'Brien, N. Torunsky, All About Music. Springer Series Computational Music Science, Heidelberg, 2016. Springer webpage (cover image: by M. Mannone)
G. Mazzola, M. Mannone, Y. Pang, Cool Math for Hot Music. Springer Series Computational Music Science, Heidelberg et al., 2016.
Springer webpage (cover image: by M. Mannone)
M. Mannone, Dalla Musica all'Immagine, dall'Immagine alla Musica - Relazioni matematiche fra composizione musicale e arte figurativa, Compostampa, Palermo, 2011. ISBN 88-97284031 (cover image: by M. Mannone)
Book chapters
M. Mannone and F. Jedrzjeweski. Venice, Glass, and Math. Women in MathArt (editor: Shanna Dobson), Springer, accepted for publication, to appear 2023
M. Mannone and D. Rocchesso, Sing and Measure: Sound as Voice as Quanta. In: (eds.) Miranda E. R., Quantum Computer Music. Springer, Cham (2022), 297–312. webpage
Mannone M, Rocchesso D (2022). Quanta in Sound, the Sound of Quanta: A Voice-Informed Quantum Theoretical Perspective on Sound. In: (a cura di): Miranda E R, Quantum Computing in the Arts and Humanities. p. 193-226, BERLIN HEIDELBERG:Springer-Verlag, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95538-0_6, preprint
M. Mannone, “Theoretical Physics and Category Theory as Tools for Analysis of Musical Performance and Composition,” in Mathematical Music Theory: Algebraic, Geometric, Combinatorial, Topological and Applied Approaches to Understanding Musical Phenomena, eds. M. Montiel and R. W. Peck, p. 215–231, World Scientific, 2018. World Scientific webpage (cover image: by M. Mannone)
M. Mannone, “Can Mathematical Music Theory be Easily Learnt and also be Fun?” In Theoretical and Practical Pedagogy of Mathematical Music Theory: Music for Mathematics and Mathematics for Music, From School to Postgraduate Levels, eds. M. Montiel and F. Gómez, 281–298, World Scientific, 2018. World Scientific webpage (cover drawing: by M. Mannone)
Selected Italian publications
Mannone M (2022). Cerchio, sfera, ipersfera: Dante e una felice intuizione. NUOVA LETTERA MATEMATICA, vol. 4, p. 79-83, ISSN: 2724-0576, doi: 10.19229/2724-0576/10042021
M. Mannone and D. Passaro, Stereotipi che allontanano: il violino e il legame perduto fra arte, matematica e scienze. Query, 2020
M. Mannone and D. Passaro, E se l’Arte e la Matematica tornassero ad abbracciarsi? STEAM, intelligenza
artificiale e arte. Prisma, 2020
M. Mannone, Libellule, fiori, origami: Momenti artistici al Joint Mathematics Meetings 2020. Nuova Lettera
Matematica, 1, June 2020
M. Mannone and D. Passaro, "Matematica, Arte e Coding," within "La leva di Archimede" in: "Archimede, rivista per gli insegnanti e i cultori di matematiche pure e applicate," Year LXX, October-December 2018, Number 4, Le Monnier, 2018.
"Rapporti numerici e procedimenti compositivi nella Suite per piccola orchestra n. 2 di Igor Stravinskij" ("Relations numériques et procédures de composition dans la Suite pour petit orchestre n.2 par Igor Stravinskij"), en ligne : sur "Nuove Dissonanze", 29-1-2011
pdf page web
- "Il corso di ascolto e teoria musicale al Liceo Classico G. Meli", dans : "L’insegnamento musicale a livello di base", Quaderni del "Toscanini" (Le cours d’écoute et théorie musical au Lycée Classique "G. Meli", dans "L’enseignement musical au niveau de base", Cahiers du "Toscanini"), Piccola biblioteca musicale Ars Nova Palermo, 2012
- "Forme e funzioni matematiche come collegamento fra le arti visive e musicali: un’ipotesi di reversibilità parziale", Atti del Convegno "Composizione Musica Architettura" ("Formes et fonctions mathématiques en tant que lien entre les arts visuels et la musique : une hypothèse de réversibilité partielle", Actes du congrés "Composizione Musica Architettura"), a cura di A. Margagliotta, Casa Editrice Libria, Dicembre 2013
More (and freely-accessible) Italian publications? Check the "blog" section of this website!
Other writings
Music in the Dark (then published by The American Council of the Blind, see above)
Music in the Dark (Italian version)
Education Compositions Publications Lectures Concerts Drawings Graphics Images Press Blog